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What to learn in the Course?
Excel introduction & settings
Formatting, Cell referencing
Keyboard shortcuts
Format cells dialoge box
Page setup
Logical , Mathematical & Date and time functions
Paste special
Online Excel
Comprehensive formula lesson
Sort and filter
Custom sorting
Flash fill
New window, arrange window
split and hide, Freeze Panes

Tally Prime/ Tally ERP 9
Introduction to Tally Prime: meaning, features, creation of a company
Gateway of Tally
Creation of ledgers
Accounting vouchers in Tally Prime
Credit note & debit note
Stock items, stock categories and stock groups, and units of measure
GST taxation ledgers and accounting entrie
GST rate setup, GSTIN
Import and export of data
Reports in Tally Prime
Backup of data
Restore data
Tally shortcut keys
Difference between Tally ERP 9 and Tally Prime
Difference between Zoho Books and Tally

ZOHO Books
Zoho Books overview & Settings
Dashboard, Items and banking
Sales , Purchases & Accountant Module
GST filing
Zoho Books shortcut keys

TDS & TCS Filling
Introduction to TDS & TCS
Applicability of TDS & TCS
TDS on salary and TDS & TCS under GST
TDS Challan
TDS Certificate and TDS Credit under 26AS
TDS & TCS rates
Guide for uploading TDS Return
Filing Revised TDS return and TDS Refund
TCS payment
TCS return and certificate
Difference between TDS and TCS


Tools You will learn

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